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CND Life Sciences Offers Practice Support for Skin Biopsy Procedures

CND Life Sciences Offers Practice Support for Skin Biopsy Procedures

Quality skin punch biopsies are foundational to utilizing CND Life Sciences’ diagnostic testing platform to provide patients with accurate results. Many clinicians are familiar with skin biopsies; for others, the skin punch biopsy procedure may not be a routine part of practice workflow. For clinicians who wish to refer patients to an experienced biopsy-performing clinician, we can help with connections and referrals. We have also developed a specialized education and support program for clinicians interested in performing the procedure in their own offices.

We offer three levels of training support for healthcare professionals to learn the skin biopsy procedure as it relates to sample collection required to perform CND’s proprietary testing services, such as the Syn-One Test® and Small-Fiber Dx®. The program may also be beneficial for clinicians accustomed to performing skin biopsies outside of CND’s diagnostic platform, in order to familiarize themselves with the specifics of the CND testing kit and related recommendations. Training is conducted by members of CND’s Sales or Clinical Services teams and is personalized to your experience level.

The levels of training and provider designations are as follows:

  • Level 1: Providers are eligible to be designated as “CND-Certified: Biopsy Procedure, Level 1” upon certifying to CND that they have received and reviewed (1) CND’s biopsy procedure guide and (2) a training video demonstrating how to use the applicable biopsy kit.
  • Level 2: Providers are eligible to be designated as “CND-Certified: Biopsy Procedure, Level 2” upon attending a virtual presentation demonstrating how to use CND’s biopsy kit.
  • Level 3: Providers are eligible to be designated as “CND-Certified: Biopsy Procedure, Level 3” upon participating in an in-person biopsy demonstration demonstrating how to use CND’s biopsy kit.

Please contact the Clinical Services team at to set up a video call or in-person training session or watch a brief video that provides a walk-through of the Syn-One Test skin biopsy procedure and protocol. Our team can also provide contacts for clinicians performing skin biopsies near you, if you choose to refer patients to outside providers.

Half-day educational sessions with live biopsy procedure demonstrations and a brief didactic presentation may also be offered near you. If you are interested in attending one of these sessions, please contact us at